LOST - about 12km, but who knows!

In which I get lost, but luckily don't see a bear.

Palas de Rey to Melide

Inspired by the Castro of the previous day, Matt searched the internet and discovered that there was a Castle near our path today. On my map it looked about 1km from the path. All good, I thought, I'll walk a half day and meet Matt at the castle. He was taxiing there, as after a days walking he was in pain again.

Heading out from Palas de Rey I was entwined in a throng of never ending pilgrims. Luckily we didn't follow the road but meandered through a woodland. I made good time and made a point of checking my GPS at regular intervals so that I didn't miss my turnoff. At San Juan church a man was giving out cellos (stamps for your pilgrim passport) and the line was huge.

About 2hrs in I figured I'd done the 8km, but there was no signage and my GPS pointed me forward. Onwards I went, and at my next checking was horrified to see that my time to arrival was growing longer rather than shorter. At the next turnoff, a farm track, I held my tablet in my hand as I followed the directions but soon realised I needed to take a left turn onto the farm track. This led to Pambre, but the time to arrival still got longer. I walked about 2km, through a small village and over a hill into a forestry development.

No castle in sight. Only signs which I translated as Spa Pambre. I met a group of ladies who said I was heading for the spa and who I gave directions to for return to the Camino.

I walked some more. It got hot. Time ticked by. It was now an hour after my expected arrival time. I started to panic and messsged Matt who among other things told me I was going the wrong way.

Eventually I arrived at Spa Pambre, where the kind receptionist told me it was a 4km walk to the castle. The look on my face must have been a picture. She was horrified to find I had walked there and offered to ring me a taxi, which I gratefully accepted.

Eventually arrived at Castle 2,5hrs later than expected. But it was well worth it.

O Castilo de Pambre is a fortress of much magnitude. Impenetrable walls, high castellations and room for many men. It's a 15th century mediaeval Castle which would not look out of place in a Monty Python film.

Matt tells me there are bears around Lugo, but luckily only more cuckoo's and green lizards today.

Palas de Rey to Melide 
