The Road - One Year Out

Hi! Welcome to my new blog, "My Road to Santiago".

I'm planning a trip to Spain, to walk El Camino de Santiago, also known as St James Way or The Way.  Following in a hundreds of years old tradition of pilgrimage to the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, northwest Spain.
Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, the destination
The route I am planning to do is from St Jean Pied de Port in France, in total I will have to walk about 800km.  What? 800km! Seeing that written down it seems crazy, why would anyone want to walk that far? and how long will it take?  Yeah, I know. I have many thoughts about it, which you will learn over the course of this blog.

But for now, lets have some statistics.

In 2001 when my parents, aged 60 and 70 walked St James Way, 96,000 people completed a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.  They arrived on many different paths, of varying lengths.  Some only walked 100km to get to the Cathedral, others has walked much farther, including (my parents report) someone who walked from their front door in England.

Conversely in the year 2015 260,000 people arrived at the Cathedral.  That is quite a steep climb in numbers, which is a good indication of it's current popularity.

Paths to Santiago come from all over Europe, and all culminate at the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela where the remains of the apostle St James reputedly lie.

Today in Santiago the weather is 10C.  (Note for planning).
