Modifications - 8.5 weeks to go

Over the Christmas holiidays our family went to Lake Clearwater, to a bach belonging to extended family.

I took some of the kit I will be using in Spain.
Shorts, boots, hat, and activewear singlet
I also took a tiny 10l backpack. Hamish and I did a 10.3km round the lake walk, and within a couple of kilometres it was obvious the backpack was a no-go.  This is supposed to be my fit-inside-my-big-backpack day bag (for trains, planes and automobiles).  But the buckle was rubbing on my chest and underarms. Hamish manfully offered to carry it, lo and behold, he arrived back with big rubbed areas under his arms too. 
Climbing Mt Sunday (aka Rohan) with the family

Suggestions to Mark that I cut the straps and reverse the adjusting buckle so that it was fitted to the bottom of the pack not the bottom of the arm loops were met with much disapproval. 

Ergo, a trip to Macpac to sort another day pack.  I tried them all on, none were any good.  All adjusting buckles were at the same spot.  I ended up buying a biking one, brought it home, cut a straps, resewed back on and, voila, problem solved!

By the way the boots were awesome! no sore feet, or aching bunions...nothing, just a sweet ride. Here's hoping that continues.

Countdown...8.5 weeks.
