Terrific or Terrifying?

How terrific is it to be able to leave New Zealand and go all the way to Spain, to then walk and walk and walk, learning about new people, new places and new things.

Terrific, huh!

and terrifying!

So many questions, not just about what will happen while I am there, but all the things that may happen at home while I am away.  Will the family be OK? will I be OK? will everyone cope?

What have I done? I'm  past the excitement of thinking about it, and past the super excitement of booking flights...now I am onto the bone-jelly making nuts and bolts of the "I am actually going to do this" phase.

There's no going back now. I have to do and be done with it. Stick to my Guns. Don't be a Wuss. There's a lot of those things going through my mind!
