Day Two - Snow

We had a great  night in the municipal Albergue in Valcarlos, about 20 people were staying there, so half full. It had a kitchen, and good bathroom facilities. I washed clothes and hung them on the line. Matt and I then went to the supermarket and bought some reheatable food for dinner. We fell into bed.

The next day we woke to rain and it was obvious by looking out the window that it was snowing outside.

My heart sank but we were determined and we set off in heavy rain which soon soaked our trousers.

Very quickly it stated to  hail and by the time we were settled into the climb it snowed. The day on the road is 16km uphill the whole way. With the last 1km down to Roncesvalles

We decided to walk the road for safety. It's easier for rescue if things go bad.

Matt got very cold hands, but I was ok till the 1km downhill. Our trousers dried out in the mad wind gusts. We'd hear the roaring then it would slam us before passing after a few seconds. Exhilarating!

My walking went like this....walk 50m stop, lean on pole to catch breath, walk another 50m, rinse and repeat. Matt still leaps over the hills like a gazelle and hardly puffed but I am getting hours of cardio workout.

We were witness to a motorbike accident and the snowplough roared past us several times. There were two people pushing a bike who looked very miserable.

We arrived after 4.5hrs, whee. My hands were frozen despite my gloves. Over the afternoon droves of cold, wet and weary pilgrims signed in. I was very pleased I had chosen the jacket I have for those with ponchos looked miserable, and boots were a great choice, dry and warm compared to soaking wet trainers on the feet of many.

The Albergue is very organised and we booked dinner and breakfast, lovely volunteers in the basement washed our clothes, and we were in bed by 9pm.
