Matt and I slept in beds with sheets in Pamplona. It was a treat for the soul.
We got up, breakfasts on the food provided and headed out the door about 8,.30am. After an interlude at the Citadel in Pamplona we started on the hike proper.
In my head the day followed something Gollum would have said. "Follow the path up, always up, then the top, before down,down devils stairs, where the rocks are waiting."
Joining a stream of pilgrims we climbed for 2 hours. Matt said I did very well today. I didn't have to stop all the time to catch my breath, but was able to steadily put one foot in front of the other. It was totally worth it to arrive at the top and to see the 360degree views of the area. There is a famous sculpture of pilgrims walking beneath the Milky Way.
We got up, breakfasts on the food provided and headed out the door about 8,.30am. After an interlude at the Citadel in Pamplona we started on the hike proper.
In my head the day followed something Gollum would have said. "Follow the path up, always up, then the top, before down,down devils stairs, where the rocks are waiting."
Joining a stream of pilgrims we climbed for 2 hours. Matt said I did very well today. I didn't have to stop all the time to catch my breath, but was able to steadily put one foot in front of the other. It was totally worth it to arrive at the top and to see the 360degree views of the area. There is a famous sculpture of pilgrims walking beneath the Milky Way.
it was cold and blowing hard so we didn't linger too long but started the walk down with Jane who was a bunkmate in Roncesvalles.
Then more devil stairs, not even or measured, just jangling ankle breakers. Followed by a large stone boulder field which I imagine would be treacherous in the wet. We stumbled down them and were relieved to find an even walking surface into Utrega where we will spend the night. This Albergue is run by two young Spanish girls, and I highly recommend it.
We met some interesting people today, including a girl who I gave some foot tape to. She was a German walking alone and she had huge blisters on the balls of her foot with more forming on her heels. Not Good! Luckily Matt and I have been blister free. Good socks might be the key, this girl had toe socks, quite thin and not sturdy.
We also had a discussion with some guys who told us of a girl they met who had hurt her back so was pushing a she navigates evils stairs, concrete slopes, water channels and steepninclines I have no idea.
The last person who sticks in my mind was the most cheerful Englishmen. His outlook was so positive despite the fact he had overshot Valcarlos on the first day and since he had set out late had to camp in the snow on his first night. He said he don't sleep a wink what with the invasive cold and snow. He only wore a poncho which subsequently ripped down the front so he had to hold it together to keep dry.
Also saw a woman walking carrying her handbag and an umbrella,.
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