A good walk - 12km

Yesterday we walked from Belorado to Villafranca Montes de Of A. 12km on an easy wide path.

We wound through a series of deserted villages, and over green hills of wheat. Everything is soaking wet, yet for once it was not raining. Our first stop was just 4km from setting off. A cafe, in an out of the way spot, tended by a barman who spent some time talking to me while Matt climbed up a scrubby hill to some caves. The barman told me he knew an old woman in the village who lived in the caves as a child. But they are abandoned now.

He also told me that running an Albergue was very hard, working every day and not knowing how many people would stay. He proudly told me that the first ever people to sign in when he opened 3 yrs ago were New Zealanders.

I waited about an hour for Matt, then we continued on, arriving in Villafranca Montes de Oca about 1.30pm. The Albergue of choice was attached to a hotel. It had a great sleeping area, no bunks and dividers, but the kitchen contained just a sink and a microwave and the bathrooms were not private. But hey ho, that's how it goes.

Apparently we had the snorer from hell in the bed opposite, but I didn't hear him till Matt woke me up begging for one of my earplugs.

In the church of Belorado was yet another creepy Christ in a box, Matt says the Catholic Church theory is "scare them, then prayer them".
